系列号-型号 设定点可调范围 死区 ***大过压范围 耐压 压力接口 接液材料 J402-521 -24.9 to 24.9 mbar 0.5 to 2.5 mbar 13.8 bar 27.6 bar 1/2" NPTFAlum-Buna N-Buna N J402-531 -24.9 to 24.9 mbar 0.5 to 2.5 mbar 3.4 bar 6.9 bar 1/2" NPTF 316L st/st J402-522 -124.5 to 124.5 mbar 0.5 to 12.4 mbar 13.8 bar 27.6 bar 1/2" NPTF Alum-Buna N-Buna N J402-532 -124.5 to 124.5 mbar 0.5 to 14.9 mbar 3.4 bar 6.9 bar 1/2" NPTF 316L st/st J402-448 -199.1 to 0 mbar 5.0 to 14.9 mbar 0.2 bar 15.5 bar 1/4" NPTF 316L st/st-Buna N-Buna N J402-520 -746.7 to 0 mbar 1.0 to 29.9 mbar 13.8 bar 27.6 bar 1/2" NPTF Alum-Buna N-Buna N J402-530 -746.7 to 0 mbar 1.0 to 37.3 mbar 3.4 bar 6.9 bar 1/2" NPTF 316L st/st J402-126 -1.0 to 0 bar 13.5 mbar to 0.1 bar 0.2 bar 0.3 bar 1/4" NPTF Ni Plated Brass-Brass-Zn Plated st J402-134 -1.0 to 1.4 bar 13.5 mbar to 0.1 bar 1.4 bar 1.7 bar 1/4" NPTF Ni Plated Brass-Brass-Zn Plated st J402-450 -1.0 to 0 bar 6.8 to 27.1 mbar 0.2 bar 15.5 bar 1/4" NPTF 316L st/st-Buna N-Buna N J402-452 -1.0 to 1.4 bar 13.5 mbar to 0.1 bar 1.4 bar 15.5 bar 1/4" NPTF 316L st/st-Buna N-Buna N J402-550 -1.0 to 0 bar 6.8 to 40.6 mbar 0.2 bar 15.5 bar 1/4" NPTF 316L st/st-Teflon-Viton J402-552 -1.0 to 1.4 bar 13.5 mbar to 0.1 bar 1.4 bar 15.5 bar 1/4" NPTF 316L st/st-Teflon-Viton J402-S126B -1.0 to 0 bar 13.5 mbar to 0.1 bar 0.2 bar 0.3 bar 1/2" NPTF 316L st/st J402-S134B -1.0 to 1.4 bar 13.5 mbar to 0.1 bar 1.4 bar 1.7 bar 1/2" NPTF 316L st/st J402-523 1.2 to 12.4 mbar 0.5 to 0.7 mbar 13.8 bar 27.6 bar 1/2" NPTF Alum-Buna N-Buna N J402-533 1.2 to 12.4 mbar 0.5 to 0.7 mbar 3.4 bar 6.9 bar 1/2" NPTF 316L st/st J402-441 0 to 24.9 mbar 0.7 to 1.5 mbar 0.2 bar 15.5 bar 1/4" NPTF Alum-Buna N-Buna N J402-442 0 to 49.8 mbar 1.0 to 2.5 mbar 0.2 bar 15.5 bar 1/4" NPTF Alum-Buna N-Buna N